Wednesday, September 5, 2007

2043 Wightman Street

That's our new address in Pittsburgh for this coming year. It's an apartment complex on the corner; first apartment I've ever rented. Yesterday we had the thrill of receiving post for the first time - Haim's social security number came in through!

Apartments, lifting Ivry's stroller up and down stairs, trying to figure out what in God's name is wrong with my and Haim's resumes is part of the new immigrant syndrome. Today at Haim's intake at the Career and Development Center in Squirrel Hill with an immigrant counselor, he was told that he needed to think in terms of America - culturally. Well, that makes perfect sense since I'm just right up there with Haim. I may have the American accent and all, but I feel utterly and completely displaced.

Funny, this feeling subsides when I walk down the perfectly manicured lawns of beautiful brick and stone houses. I feel I'm walking alongside a dream; one that I gently carved out one year ago. I'm not really in it - we are not really in it since there's so much to do until we can start bringing home a paycheck with no income coming in - lots going out. Now that Haim's social security came in through, I can literally write our address everywhere. A sign of the living.

We applied for social services today from one page click to another until the e-form was sent. I used to be ashamed of signing up my mom for social services but now my address is just one of many. But when Ivry cried today because we stayed for the first orientation dinner meeting for parents at the JCC instead of heading home, a bit of me cried too.


Deb said...

I sense you are frustrated about how long everything seems to be taking. But I am amazed at how much progress you have made.

As for wondering what is wrong with your resumes and what is American hiring culture I think you would get some insight from Seth Godin's post today titled "What are you hiring for?" He really takes American HR to task for hiring people who can sell themselves but cannot do the job they're being hired for. I'm sure you've explained what you do well but haven't painted yourselves as the next "savior" of whatever organization. Welcome to the land of the super-hero.

That aside I can't believe you are living on Wightman Street. There are swing dances regularly at Wightman school. Also starting tomorrow is the Carnegie Blues Festival (street fest in Carnegie and should be able to get there on public transportation). If you want to keep apprised of the swing, jazz, blues goings on the website is


Scribbit said...

I think my boys would go crazy to live in a place called "Squirrel Hill." Definitely an exciting place for boys.