Carousel Time in SeaVillage
Ivry's cousin Samatha
Yea, I'm with my Uncle Elan!
Waiting for the Amtrack to take us
Well, we finally made it to our final California destination before we board for New York City.
Uncle Elan can relax from a few day's work enjoying his nephew. It's been two years since we all met and it's especially poignant when we're all together eating a Shabbat meal on Elan's dining room table in his lovely San Diego apartment with his roommate and girlfriend. All the pieces are coming together. We're learning the pieces of his life as he learns about ours and the brother-sister becomes timeless once again. Over Haim's wonderfully savory meatballs, we feel the love and find a connection.
Saturday's morning walk proved to be our lucky day. Haim came back after a brief walk with Ivry and said, "there's a sale outside.'' We could hardly believe our eyes: old printers, furniture, books, toys, brick-a-brack items. We came back with a small carton of card games for Ivry (good choices for killing airport time), a few three-quarter sleeve shirts for Haim that looked brand new, a brand new sippy cup for Ivry, a Fisher Price animal crackers game, a picture frame and guess what for moi? Books, of course! I quickly found two delectable novels and two resource books. I was so happy. I had finished Nadine's Gordimer's Get a Life in the first few days of our trip, and desperately needed more pleasant reading material.
We unexpectedly did not realize it was fifteen minutes to closing time and the chorus of "Everything for Free. Take whatever you want!" had begun. It's amazing how people suddenly turn into wild octopuses. People were grabbing anything they could get their hands on and loading them on cars. It was really funny. the church goers organizing the yard sale, were so nice and affable. Really sweet folks.
While I of course couldn't help but wonder how we would manage fitting all this in one suitcase, Haim nonchalantly handed the box to Elan. It was a brilliant morning.
Later that night when we finally made it [out of the house after a refreshing and much needed Saturday afternoon nap] from San Diego's downtown SeaVillage, I realized that we received our small gifts not by chance. We have worked hard to get to this point getting Haim's papers and my sabbatical organized and 'kosher' as well as our house ready for renting, shipping our stuff, selling our car and many other things. It's a huge move.
We have given more than half our belongings away to the Philippine workers on the kibbutz and other neighbors. And now at the give-away, it's amazing the love one can feel from a complete stranger when you relinquish your belongings and step out of your shell. It's the beginning to harboring change.
I'm beginning to feel less frightful of this process of change. Now we're living it. You just gotta love it.
Plans for Today are:
1. Bilboa Park including performances and activities for Ivry. More pictures to come. Happy Sunday!
That is amazing. I have never heard of a closing give-away. It does not happen here in the midwest; although all you can stuff in a grocery sack for $2 does happen occasionally. I'm sure you'll find a way to get it shipped east economically.
It's so wonderful to hear the joy in your voice increasing with each new post. Truly what a sabbatical should be.
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